16 sept. 2015


Clip reveals exciting! through the rain. A motorcyclist skidding and immediately grabbed his girlfriend in his arms. ...
the chance for helmets and above all, no car behind.

14 sept. 2015

Femen is to invite the Muslim living in FRENCH

ux militantes du mouvement féministe Femen ont perturbé samedi soir un salon consacré à la femme musulmane à Pontoise 

PATTAYA - POLICE jet sky stop renters extorsion

Police hauled in a jet ski renter who had demanded 4,000 baht for “damages” from two Italian tourists as a new crackdown began in Pattaya on Friday.
More than 200 officials from the police and the Marine Department hit the beach in Pattaya City in the latest attempt to curb abuses by those renting the leisure craft.
Read more: Bangkok Post

Floyd Mayweather vs Andre Berto